Casta - Papiernicka Centre
The seventh European School of High-Energy Physics will be held in the Casta-Papiernicka Centre , special
facility of the Office of the National Council of the Slovak Republic,
located about 40 km from Bratislava, surrounded by forest of Karpaty.
The surrounding of the Little Carpathians are the entrance hills into the Carpathians, the second (after the Alps) largest mountain range in Europe,
some 1300 km long. They start on the bank of the Danube in Bratislava and end in the Myjava Pass, thus running over a length of
some 100 km.
From Bratislava it can be reached using the main road to Pezinok
( town with an abundant wine - growing tradition,and you may become familiartized with the history and present of the Pezinok vinyards in the Little-Carpathian Viticulturist Museum in the town, it is regional town lies 15 km from the facility Papiernicka ) and
Modra ( the town is a famous viticalturist centre, known for picturesque wine - harvest celebrations and it has the Slovak folk majolica founded in 1838, 11 km away from the facility Papiernicka ).
See, please, map of West Slovakia region).
Sporting-relaxation facilities in the Casta-Papiernicka include: covered swimming-pool, billiards, fitness centre, bowling, squasch,
steam-bath and sauna.
Weather in Bratislava region in September is usually sunny with temperatures 20-25 �C. Here you can find actual weather and weather forecast for Bratislava .
© Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Dubna, 1998 - 1999 (last update: 18.05.99)