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Status: New

Study of Neutrino Oscillations

Leader:     Yu.A. Gornushkin
Deputy:     R. Leitner

Participating Countries, Institutes and International organizations:
Bulgaria, Belgium, CERN, Chine, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Italy, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Ukraine, USA.

Scientific Programme:
  • Long-baseline neutrino oscillation search and study of neutrino oscillation parameters with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam (CERN-Gran Sasso)-project OPERA

  • Search for solar neutrino vacuum oscillations. Direct solar neutrino flux measurements, precise �� 7 neutrino flux measurements with the BOREXINO detector.

  • Measurement of the 13 neutrino mixing angle in the Daya Bay experiment.

  • Study of secondary hadron emission in p and interactions with nuclear targets for justification of the neutrino flux in the current experiments.

    Expected main results in 2010:
    List of projects:
      Project Leader Priority
    (period of implementation)
    1. OPERA Yu.A. Gornushkin 1   (2010-2012)
    2. BOREXINO O.Yu. Smirnov1   (1996-2012)
    3. Daya Bay R. Leitner1   (2009-2011)

    List of Activities

      Activity or experiment Leader
          Laboratory       Responsible
    Leading researchers
    and number of participants
    1. OPERA Yu.A. Gornushkin
    Data taking
      DLNP S.G. Dmitrievsky
    Z.V. Krumshtein
    A.A. Nozdrin
    S.G. Zemskova
    A.V. Chukanov
    A.V. Krasnoperov
    A.B. Sadovsky
    V.V. Tereschenko + 3 pers.
    D.V. Naumov + 1 pers.
      VBLPHE Yu.P. Petukhov
      LIT A.Ya. Astakhov
    G.A. Ososkov + 1 pers.
    2. BOREXINO O.Yu. Smirnov
    Data taking
      DLNP A.P. Sotnikov
    K.A. Fomenko
    3. Daya Bay R. Leitner
      DLNP Yu.A. Gornushkin
    D.V. Naumov + 1 pers.
    I.P. Nemchonok
    A.G. Olshevskiy

    Country or international
    City Institute or Laboratory
    Bulgaria Sofia SU
    Belgium Brussels ULB
    Geel IRMM
    Leuven K.U.Leuven
    CERN Geneva
    China Beijing IHEP CAS
    Croatia Zagreb RBI
    Czech Republic Prague CU
    France Annecy-le-Vieux LAPP
    Lyon IPNL
    Orsay LAL
    Paris UPMC
    College de France
    Strasbourg IReS
    Germany Dortmund TU Dortmund
    Heidelberg MPI-K
    Munich MPI-P
    Hungary Budapest KFKI RMKI
    Japan Nagoya Nagoya Univ.
    Italy Bari Univ.
    Genoa INFN
    Naples INFN
    Legnaro INFN LNL
    Milan Unimi
    Padua Univ.
    Perugia INFN
    Pavia INFN
    Rome INFN
    Trieste Univ.
    Russia Moscow RRC KI
    Gatchina PNPI RAS
    Obninsk IPPE
    Protvino IHEP
    Troitsk INR RAS
    Spain Valencia UV
    Switzerland Bern Uni Bern
    Neuchatel UniNe
    Geneva UniGe
    United Kingdom Didcot RAL
    Oxford Univ.
    Sheffield Univ.
    USA Cambridge, MA MIT
    Madison, WI UW-Madison
    Princeton, NJ PU
    Upton, NY BNL
    Los Angeles, CA UCLA
    Berkeley, CA Berkeley Lab
    Ukraine Kharkov ISC NASU

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