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Preprints and Communications

Here you can find JINR preprints and communications in pdf format starting from 1999. File size is given in bytes in round brackets.

Subject Categories for JINR Publications Archive (1999 - 2024)

P13-2025-2 (2.515.072)
Mitrofanov S.V. et al.
Beam Profile Measurement at the Entrance of the Gas-Filled Solenoid GASSOL

A beam profilometer has been developed and tested for use at the entrance of the gas-filled solenoid GASSOL during its commissioning and adjustment. The profilometer is constructed as a mosaic of cathodes, each measuring current generated by secondary emission during bombardment by accelerated ions being measured from each cathode. A corresponding number of current amplifier channels is used to measure the currents from the cathodes. A software program has been developed for visualizing the beam profile. During an experiment with a 40Ar+4 ion beam at an energy of 4 MeV per nucleon, the lower sensitivity limit of the profilometer was found to be less than 0.001 pnA. The upper sensitivity limit, determined through thermal calculations, is 100 pnA. A critical factor is the risk of signal cable contact failures due to heating. The accuracy of beam centre determination, ∓1 mm, falls within the specified tolerance for radial displacement of the beam axis relative to the magnetic axis of the solenoid.