up |
Popov D. V., Skorokhvatov M. D.
The Model for Conversion of Fission Products Beta Spectra of Uranium and Plutonium Isotopes into Antineutrino Spectra
(rus, 362 Kb) |
Galsandorj E., Chagdaa S., Purev B.
Color Screening from Flux Tube in (2+1)-Flavour QCD
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Devi S., Kumar R.
Investigation of Single Proton Knockout from 26P Nucleus on 9Be Target at 65 MeV/Nucleon Beam Energy
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Sorokovikov M. N., Morozova A. D., Sinegovskaya T. S., Sinegovsky S. I.
Cross-Energy and Anisotropy of the «Prompt» Atmospheric Neutrino and Muon Fluxes
(rus, 706 Kb) |
Alekseev B. A., Vukolov A. V., Konusov F. V., Pavlov S. K., Potylitsyn A. P., Uglov S. R., Cherepennikov Yu. M., Shevelev M. V., Burachenko A. G.
Cherenkov Radiators Based on Diamond and Corundum Crystals
(rus, 399 Kb) |
Lyapin I. D., Karamyshev O. V., Maslov. V. A., Shakhov. A. V.
Calculation of the Magnet of the MAVR Spectrometer and Proposals for Its Modernization
(rus, 462 Kb) |
Baranov G. N., Dorokhova D. V., Levichev E. B., Nikitin S. A.
Modeling Coupling and Its Correction in Siberian Circular Photon Source
(rus, 756 Kb) |
Bulavin M. V., Galushko A. V., Yskakov A., Dorofeev P. A., Podlesnyy M. M., Mukhin K. A., Skuratov V. A.
Tests of the Prototype Chamber of the Cryogenic Moderator of the Compact Neutron Source DARIA
(rus, 853 Kb) |
Zamulaeva I. A., Matchuk O. N., Selivanova E. I., Yakimova A. O., Mosina V. A., Koryakin S. N., Kaprin A. D., Boreyko A. V., Bugay A. N., Chausov V. N., Krasavin E. A.
Radiobiological Effects of the Combined Action of 1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine and Proton Radiation on B16 Melanoma In Vivo
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
up |
Bondarenko S. G., Dydyshka Ya. V., Kalinovskaya L. V., Sadykov R. R., Yermolchyk V. L.
EW One-Loop Corrections to the Longitudinally Polarized Drell–Yan Scattering. I. The Neutral Current Case
(rus, 358 Kb) |
Zalikhanov B. Zh.
Critical Point for the Transition of an Electron Avalanche to a Streamer
(rus, 922 Kb) |
Bagmutov A. S., Trifanova E. S., Popov I. Yu.
Resonator with a Corrugated Boundary: Numerical Results
(rus, 140 Kb) |
Boumali A., Korichi N.
On the Thermal Properties of the One-Dimensional Space Fractional Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau Oscillator
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Rouabhia T. I., Boumali A., Hassanabadi H.
Effect of the Acceleration of the Rindler Spacetime on the Statistical Properties of the Klein–Gordon Oscillator in One Dimension
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Bunakov V. E., Penionzhkevich Yu. E.
Direct Reactions in Heavy-Ion Collisions
(rus, 197 Kb) |
Kirilov A. S., Murashkevich S. M.
Adaptation of the Sonix+ Software Package to Work with DAQ Controllers DeLiDAQ-2 and Digitizer N6730 by CAEN
(rus, 528 Kb) |
Bryzgunov M. I., Bubley A. V., Denisov A. P., Petrozhitskiy A. V., Reva V. B., Urazov E.
Beam Profile Measurement of Electron Gun Prototype for NICA Collider Electron Cooling System
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Lyablin M. V., Klemeshov Yu. V.
Laser Power Stabilization in a Precision Laser Inclinometer
(rus, 1.182.573 Kb) |
Potylitsyn A. P., Gogolev S. Yu.
Polarization of Vavilov–Cherenkov Radiation in Violation of Axial Symmetry of the Process
(rus, 428 Kb) |
Borin V. M., Dorokhov V. L., Meshkov O. I.
Study of the Influence of Longitudinal Impedance on the Duration of an Electron Bunch in the VEPP-4M Collider
(rus, 518 Kb) |
Butenko A. V., Zrelov P. V., Korenkov V. V., Kostromin S. A., Nikiforov D. N., Reshetnikov A. G., Semashko S. V., Trubnikov G. V., Ulyanov S. V.
Intelligent System for Remote Control of Liquid Nitrogen Pressure and Flow in the Cryogenic System of Superconducting Magnets: Hardware and Software Platform
(rus, 1.177.135 Kb) |
Ayryan E. A., Gambaryan M. M., Malykh M. D., Sevastyanov L. A.
On the Trajectories of Dynamic Systems Lying on the Hypersurfaces of Linear Systems
(rus, 107.330 Kb) |
Yas R. M.
Minimizing the Radiation Hazard in Biological Tissues Using the Mixture of (Silver–Gold) Nanoparticles
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
up |
Myagkov A. G.
Recent Results from LHC Experiments
(rus, 858 Kb) |
Olshevskiy A.
Neutrino Oscillation Study Results and Search for Neutrino Sterile States
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Postnov K. À., Mitichkin N. À.
Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Astrophysical and Cosmological Inferences
(rus, 164 Kb) |
Serebrov A. P., Samoylov R. M., Tchaikovsky M. E., Zherebtsov O. M.
Comparison of the Result of the Neutrino-4 Experiment with other Experiments and the Cosmological Constraint on a Sterile Neutrino
(rus, 1.290 Kb) |
Dobrev V. K.
Einstein Manifold of Pseudo-Orthogonal Group and Invariant Differential Operators
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Demidov S., Farkhtdinov B., Levkov D.
Numerical Study of Multiparticle Production in λφ4 Theory
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Fitkevich M. D.
Non-Singular Dilaton Gravity to Resolve Information Paradox
(rus, 1.244 Kb) |
Iakhibbaev R. M., Tolkachev D. M.
Exact Four-Point Amplitudes in Various Fishnet Theories
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Derkachev S. E., Isaev A. P., Shumilov L. A.
Zig-Zag Diagrams and Conformal Triangles
(rus, 164 Kb) |
Kotikov A. V.
Sunrise Integral in Non-Relativistic QCD with Elliptics
(rus, 28 Kb) |
Makeenko Yu.
What Quantum Strings Can Tell Us about Quantum Gravity
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Marachevsky V. N.
The Casimir Effect for Diffraction Gratings, Symmetry Breaking and Geometric Transitions
Abstracts (eng, 126 Kb) |
Gubarev K. À., Musaev E. Ò.
Generalizing Generalized Supergravity
(rus, 114 Kb) |
Volkov M. K., Pivovarov A. A., Nurlan K.
Processes τ → (a1 π, K1π, K1 K) ντ and e+e- → (a1 π, K1 K) in the NJL Mode
(rus, 144 Kb) |
Shirokov I. E.
Multiloop Calculations inN = 1 SQED with Nf Flavours Regularized by Higher Derivatives
(rus, 105 Kb) |
Volobuev I. P., Egorov V. O., Smolyakov M. N.
Canonical Quantization of a Massive Scalar Field in the Schwarzschild Space-Time
(rus, 136 Kb) |
Soloviev V. O.
Canonical Bigravity
(rus, 111 Kb) |
Sarkissian G. A., Spiridonov V. P.
Elliptic and Complex Hypergeometric Integrals in Quantum Field Theory
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Tarasov O. V.
Calculation of One-Loop Integrals for Four-Photon Amplitudes by Functional Reduction Method
(rus, 116 Kb) |
Tolkachev D. M., Kazakov D. I., Iakhibbaev R. M.
Quantum Corrections to the Effective Potential in Generalised Scalar Field Models
(rus, 116 Kb) |
Mikhailov S. V., Volchanskiy N.
Renormalon-Chain Contributions to Two-Point Correlators of Nonlocal Quark Currents
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Buchbinder I., Ivanov E., Zaigraev N.
Unconstrained N = 2 Higher-Spin Gauge Superfields and Their Hypermultiplet Couplings
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Achasov N. N., Kiselev A. V., Shestakov G. N.
Four-Quark Nature of Light Scalar Mesons
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Afonin S., Solomko T.
Confinement Potential in Soft Wall Holographic Approach to QCD
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Aleshko A. Ì., Boos E. E., Bunichev V. E., Dudko L. V.
Comparison of Constraints on Wilson Coefficients of Dimension-Six EFT Operators Obtained from Processes of Three- and Four-Top-Quark Production
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Anikin I. V.
A New Type of k⊥-Dependent Parton Distributions
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Boos E. E., Bunichev V. E.
Unitary Limitations of the SMEFT Approach in Describing New Physics in the Processes of Single Top Quark Production
(rus, 199 Kb) |
Danilina A. V., Nikitin N. V.
Rare Decays of Neutral B Mesons into Four Charged Leptons in the Standard Model
(rus, 403 Kb) |
Fadin V. S.
Regge Cuts in QCD
(rus, 148 Kb) |
Ganbold G.
Radiative Transitions of Charmoniums within the Covariant Confined Quark Model
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Godunov S. I.
Charged Particle Pair Production in pp Scattering: Survival Factor and Semi-Inclusive Processes
Abstracts (eng, 27 Kb) |
Issadykov A., Ivanov M. A.
Anomalies in Weak Decays of b-Hadrons
(rus, 379 Kb) |
Karpishkov A. V., Saleev V. A.
On Transverse Single-Spin Asymmetries in D-Meson Production at the SPD NICA Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Kisselev A. V.
BSM Physics at Future Lepton Colliders
(rus, 258 Kb) |
Faustov R. N., Martynenko A. P., Martynenko F. A.
Pair Quarkonium Production in Higgs Boson Decay
(rus, 142 Kb) |
Martynenko F. A., Korobov V. I., Martynenko A. P., Faustov R. N., Eskin A. V.
Energy Levels of Three-Particle Muon-Electronic Ions
(rus, 96 Kb) |
Efimova A. Yu., Nikitin N. V.
Classicality Test in the Neutral B0s¯B0s Pairs
(rus, 881 Kb) |
Parkhomenko A. Ya., Wang W.
Tetraquark Interpretation of Yb (10753) and Its Production at the LHC
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Petrov V. A.
On Asymptotic Universality of Strong Interactions at Large Distances
Abstracts (eng, 27 Kb) |
Saleev V. A., Chernyshev A. A.
Pair Production of J/ψ in the Color Evaporation Model and the Parton Reggeization Approach
(rus, 219 Kb) |
Selyugin O. V.
Hadron Interaction at Large Distances and New Features of Differential Cross Sections at the Large Hadron Collider Energies
(rus, 280 Kb) |
Saleev V. À., Shipilova A. V.
Double Longitudinal-Spin Asymmetries in Direct Photon Production at NICA
(rus, 202 Kb) |
Yarkov A. A., Rumyantsev D. A.
Solution of the Kinetic Equation Taking into Account Resonance of the Compton Process in a Magnetized Medium
(rus, 96 Kb) |
Baznat M., Teryaev O. V., Zinchenko A. V.
Polarization of Λ-Hyperons in Gold Nucleus Collisions at NICA Energies
(rus, 867 Kb) |
Arbuzov A. B., Voznaya U. E.
Electron Parton Distribution Function
(rus, 103 Kb) |
Aref’eva I. Ya., Volovich I. V.
Quantum Explosions of Black Holes
(rus, 33 Kb) |
Biryukov A. A.
Equation for the Probability of Quantum Transitions in the Method of Path Integrals and Stochastic Processes in the Space of Joint Events
(rus, 97 Kb) |
Borisov A. V.
Radiation of an Electron in a Lorentz-Violating Vacuum
(rus, 97 Kb) |
Prokhorov G. Yu., Teryaev O. V., Zakharov V. I.
On a Search for a Gravitational Chiral Anomaly outside Curved Space-Time
(rus, 115 Kb) |
Aref’eva I. Ya., Rannu K. A., Slepov P. S.
Dense QCD in Magnetic Field
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Rogalev R. N., Bornyakov V. G., Gerasimeniuk N. V., Goy V. A., Korneev A. A., Molochkov A. V., Nakamura A.
Roberge–Weiss Transition in the Lee–Yang Approach
(rus, 432 Kb) |
Pukhov T. À., Rumyantsev D. À., Yarkov A. À.
The Double Compton Process in a Strongly Magnetized Plasma
(rus, 128 Kb) |
Kopchinskii I. D., Satunin P. S.
Resonant Generation of High-Order Harmonics in Nonlinear Electrodynamics
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Zakharov V. I., Teryaev O. V., Prokhorov G. Yu.
Quantum and Classical Local P-Violation
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Dubinin M. N., Fedotova E. Yu., Kazarkin D. M.
Cosmological Constraints for Three Generations See-Saw Mechanism of keV Sterile Neutrinos
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Dvornikov M. S.
Neutrino Spin and Flavor Oscillations in Gravitational Fields
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Kondratyev V. N., Khor’kova N. G., Cherubini S.
Supernova Dynamo Effect in Neutrino Spectra and Perspective of Observations by Large Volume Telescopes
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Lobanov A. E., Chukhnova A. V.
Discrete Symmetries in Neutrino Oscillations in a Dense Medium and an Electromagnetic Field
(rus, 112 Kb) |
Das C. R.
The Evolution of the Majorana Neutrino Mass Renormalization Group in the Super-Weak Theory
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Volobuev I. P., Egorov V. O.
Quantum Field-Theoretical Description of Neutrino Oscillation in Terms of Distance-Dependent Propagators
(rus, 120 Kb) |
Avdeev N. A., Toporensky A. V.
Inflation in Scalar-Tensor Theory with Nonminimal Kinetic Coupling
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Berezin V. A., Dokuchaev V. I.
Weyl Geometry, Particle Production and Induced Gravity
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Beylin V., Bezuglov M.
Can the Multicomponent Dark Matter Be Visible Due to the Inner Luminescence?
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Dyadina P. I.
Polarization of Gravitational Waves in Hybrid Metric-Palatini f(R)-Gravity
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Ivanova I. D.
Spherically Symmetric Black Holes and Physical Vacuum
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Pukhov A. E.
Recasting of Direct Detection Experiments
(rus, 389 Kb) |
Paston S. A., Kapustin A. D.
Gravity as Embedding Theory and Distribution of Matter in Galaxies
(rus, 107 Kb) |
Kubarko E. P., Pronin P. I.
Spiral Structure of Galaxies in Generalised Gravitational Theories
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Silenko A. J.
Manifestation of Dark Matter Axions in Spin Effects in Storage Rings
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Fursaev D. V., Davydov E. A., Tainov V. A.
A Note on Stress-Energy Tensor and Variational Principle for Null Strings
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Boos E. E., Bunichev V. E., Trykov S. S.
Prospects for Leptophilic Scalar and Dark Photon Search at the Super c-Tau Factory
(rus, 501 Kb) |
Zakharov A. F.
The Galactic Center and M87*: Observations and Their Interpretations
(rus, 139 Kb) |
Sowmya N., Manjunatha H. C., Sridhar K. N., Damodara Gupta P. S., Dhanajaya N.
Competition between Cluster and Alpha Decay in Even Atomic Number Superheavy Nuclei 110⩽ Z ⩽ 126
Abstracts (eng, 48 Kb) |
up |
XIV International Scientific Workshop in Memory of Professor V.P. Sarantsev «PROBLEMS OF COLLIDERS AND CHARGED PARTICLE ACCELERATORS»
Alushta, Crimea, Russia, September 20–25, 2022
Abdulov N. A., Kotikov A. V., Lipatov A. V.
Gluon Density in the Rescaling Model
Abstracts (eng, 27 Kb) |
Fedoruk S. A.
Supersymmetrization of the 3-Particle Elliptic Calogero Model
(rus, 119 Kb) |
Maslov V. M.
Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of 240Pu(n,F), 239Pu(n,F), and 238U(n,F)
(rus, 1.273.548 Kb) |
Singh Y. P., Kumar V., Shukla A., Jain P., Kumar Y., Sapra R., Rohtash B., Jha K., Verma T., Silarski M., Sharma S.
Systematic Study of Gamma-Decay Hindrance Factors
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Kumar R., Sharma S.
New Perspective in the Use of Power Index Formula for Level Energies
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Zheng-Yuan Fang, Ya-Rong Wang, Cheng-Qun Pang
Q¯Q (Q ∈ {b, c}) Spectroscopy Using the Modified Rovibrational Model
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Bondarenko S., Yurev S.
Relativistic One-Nucleon Exchange for the Proton—Deuteron Backward Scattering
(rus, 429 Kb) |
Buchbinder I. L., Isaev A. P., Podoinitsyn M. A., Fedoruk S. A.
Generalized Wigner Operators and Relativistic Gauge Fields
(rus, 172 Kb) |
Sheremetev A. D., Kolozhvari A. A., Dementev D. V., Shitenkov M. O., Murin Yu.
The Quality Assurance Test System for Assembly of STS Modules for the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Elsha V. V., Korolev M. G., Dementev D. V., Igolkin S. N., Sukhov N. V., Sheremetev A. D., Shitenkov M. O., Voronin A. L., Murin Yu. A.
Assembly Device for the Supermodules of the Silicon Tracking System of BM@N Experiment
(rus, 1.323.508 Kb) |
Bezbakh A. A., Belogurov S. G., Chudoba V., Fomichev A. S., Gorshkov A. V., Grigorenko L. V., Kaminski G., Khirk M. S.,
Knyazev A. G., Krupko S. A., Mauyey B., Muzalevskii I. A., Nikolskii E. Yu., Quynh A. M., Sharov P. G., Slepnev R. S., Stepantsov S. V., Ter-Akopian G. M., Wolski R.
Detector Array for the 7H Nucleus Multi-Neutron Decay Study
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Kurganov A. A., Vasilev O. A., Karmanov D. E., Kovalev I. M., Panov A. D., Podorozhnyi D. M., Slivin A. A., Syresin E. M.,
Turundaevskiy A. N., Filatov G. A., Shulga A. V.
Fragmentation of Cosmic Ray Nuclei and Its Experimental Investigation
(rus, 730 Kb) |
Brovko O. I., Volodin A. A., Grebentsov A. Yu., Prozorov O. V., Syresin E. M., Sidorin A. O.
Investigation of the Modes of Operation of Booster—Nuclotron RF Synchrotron Systems When Optimizing the Capture and Acceleration of Carbon Ion Beams
(rus, 289 Kb) |
Verhoglyadov A. E.
Motion Equation of Temperature Induced Plane Transverse Vibrations of a Rod. Numerical-Analytical Solution
(rus, 278 Kb) |
Frank A. I., Kulin G. V., Zakharov M. A.
On the New Possibility of Pulse Accumulation of UCN in a Trap
(rus, 106 Kb) |
Kirilov A. S., Truntova L. A.
Enhancement of Experiment Control in the Sonix+ Software Package
(rus, 359 Kb) |
Dedovich T. G., Tokarev M. V.
Criteria of Background Suppression in Fractal Analysis of Monte Carlo Au–Au Events at Energy √sNN = 200 GeV
(rus, 744 Kb) |
Boreyko A. V., Zadneprianetc M. G., Chausov V. N., Hramco T. S., Kozhina R. A., Kuzmina E. A., Tiounchik S. I., Krasavin E. A.
Combined Action of DNA Synthesis Inhibitors and Accelerated Protons on Malignant Tumor Cells
(rus, 1.050 Kb) |
Benameur Y., Tahiri M., Mkimel M., El Baydaoui R., El Hariri B., Mesradi M. R., Hilali A., Elmadani S.
Fetal Organ Dose Assessment during Chest CT Examination Using Monte Carlo/Gate Simulation
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Batov A. A., Bondarenko T. V., Zbruev R. A., Gusarova M. A., Lalayan M. V., Shashkov Ya. V., Polozov S. M.
Development and Optimization of Accelerating Structure of S-Band and Power Input Device of Radiation Therapy Facility
(rus, 1.281 Kb) |
Belikov O. V., Aktershev Yu. S., Baranov G. N., Vinnik D. S.,
Gorchakov K. M., Gurov S. M., Karnaev S. E., Krylov A. A., Morsin A. A., Piminov P. A., Pureskin D. N., Senkov D. V., Singatulin Sh. R., Sinyatkin S. V., Chernyakin A. D.
Magnet Power Supply System for the SRF «SKIF» Storage Ring
(rus, 132 Kb) |
Blinov M. F., Koop I. A., Vostrikov V. A., Khlystov D. A., Eliseev V. S.
Resonant Slow Extraction from Ion Synchrotron for Technological Applications
(rus, 308 Kb) |
Bukharov A. V., Bukharova M. A., Vishnevsky E. V.
The Prospects of the Cryogenic Target Complex Development of FAIR Accelerator
(rus, 308 Kb) |
Bulgacheva M. M., Shashkov Ya. V., Gorchakov A. A., Gusarova M. A., Lalayan M. V.
Development of a Power Input Device for IH-Type Resonators
(rus, 228 Kb) |
Bykov T. A., Taskaev S. Yu.
Automation of Physical Experiments on the Accelerating Neutron Source
(rus, 562 Kb) |
Chernyaev A. P., Lykova E. N.
Actual Nuclear Physics Research for Medicine
(rus, 2.063 Kb) |
Drozdovsky A. À., Drozdovsky S. À., Kantsyrev A. V., Savin S. M., Volkov V. A., Panyushkin V. A., Khurchiev A. O.
Determination of Time and Energy Parameters of an Electron Beam of a High-Current Pulse Gun
(rus, 2.063 Kb) |
Durkin A. P., Kolomiets A. A., Ovchinnikova L. Yu., Paramonov V. V.
Features of Particle Dynamics and Predicted Final Electrodynamic Characteristics for Short Accelerating Resonators in a Low Energy Ion Accelerator
(rus, 238 Kb) |
Emanov F. A., Astrelina K. V., Balakin V. V., Belikov O. V.,
Berkaev D. E., Boimelshtain Yu. M., Bolkhovityanov D. Yu., Frolov A. R., Karpov G. V., Kasaev A. S., Kondakov A. A., Kurkin G. Ya., Lapik R. M.,
Lebedev N. N., Levichev A. E., Maltseva Yu. I., Murasev A. A., Samoylov S. L., Vasiliev S. V., Martynovsky A. Yu., Motygin S. V., Pilan A. M., Tribendis A. G.,
Pavlenko A.V., Kotov E. S., Arsentyeva M. V.
VEPP-5 Injection Complex
(rus, 281 Kb) |
Meshkov I. N., Eseev M. K., Kuziv I. V., Kostin A. A., Sidorin A. ,A., Orlov O. S.
Vacancy Determination in Single-Crystal Diamond Plates Using the Method of Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
(rus, 769 Kb) |
Lebedev N. I., Petuhov A. S., Fateev A. A.
The Use of Thyristor Switches in the Nuclotron Booster Inflector Plates Power Supply
(rus, 769 Kb) |
Filatov G. À., Slivin A. A., Syresin E. M., Butenko A. V., Vorozhtsov A. S.,
Agapov A. V., Shipulin K. N., Kolesnikov S. Yu., Galimov A. R., Tikhomirov A. M., Tyulkin V. I., Donets D. E., Letkin D. S., Leushin D. O.,
Tuzikov A. V., Baldin A. A., Korovkin D. S., Timoshenko G. N., Kulevoy T. V., Titarenko Yu. E., Bobrovskiy D. V., Chumakov A. I., Soloviev S. A.,
Kubankin A. S., Firsov D. G., Kubankin Yu. S., Chernykh P. N., Osipov S. V., Serenkov E. G., Chetverikov S. A.
NICA Beamlines and Stations for Applied Research
(rus, 281 Kb) |
Getmanov Ya. V., Borin V. M., Vinokurov N. A., Ma X., Maltseva Yu. I., Meshkov O. I., Shevchenko O. A.
Experiments on the Short X-Ray Pulse Generation at the Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser Facility
(rus, 278 Kb) |
Isaev A. A., Vovchenko E. D., Kozlovskij K. I., Shikanov A. E.
Simulation of a Small-Sized Diode Deuteron Accelerator with Pulsed Magnetic Isolation
(rus, 222 Kb) |
Ivanenko I. A., Kazarinov N. Yu., Lisov V. I.
Simulation and Design of Passive Magnetic Channel of DC140 Cyclotron Extraction System
(rus, 447 Kb) |
Belikov O. V., Bekhtenev E. A., Dementev E. N., Karpov G. V.
Tune Measurement System of the «SKIF» Booster
(rus, 653 Kb) |
Kazarinov N. Yu., Lisov V. I., Bekhterev V. V., Bogomolov S. L., Gulbekyan G. G., Zabanov A. S., Ivanenko I. A.,
Kalagin I. V., Mitrofanov S. V., Osipov N. F., Semin V. A.
Injection System of the DC-140 Cyclotron of FLNR JINR
(rus, 532 Kb) |
Kirtsev D. V., Akimova A. A., Galchuk A. V., Klopenkov R. M., Mudrolyubov V. G., Osina Yu. K.
Design Features of Acceleration and Extraction Systems of Multicharged Ion Beams
(rus, 235 Kb) |
Klimansky D. I., Arkharov I. A., Shandov M. M., Piyadin S. M.
Influence of the Magnetic Field on the Operation of the GM Cryorefrigerator of the Liquid-Hydrogen Target of the BM@N Facility
(rus, 420 Kb) |
Korobitsina M. Yu., Tuzikov A. V., Shandov M. M.
The Beam Injection into Booster of the NICA Accelerator Complex
(rus, 403 Kb) |
Koshkarev A. M., Taskaev S. Yu.
Development and Implementation of an Automation System for an Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for Neutron Capture Therapy
(rus, 1.129 Kb) |
Krylov A. A., Dmitriev M. S., Belikov O. V., Singatulin Sh. R., Morsin A. A., Vinnik D. S.
Pulse Power Supply System for Solenoidal Lenses of Linear Induction Accelerator LIA-20
(rus, 401 Kb) |
Kurakin V. G.
Use of the Phenomena and Laws of Stochastic Electron Optics for the Formation and Monitoring of Charged Particles Beams
(rus, 126 Kb) |
Lachynov S. B., Vinokurov N. A., Getmanov Ya. V.
Development of a 540-Degree Magnetic Buncher Based on Permanent Magnets
(rus, 85 Kb) |
Lisov V. I., Zabanov A. S., Ivanenko I. A., Ivanov G. N., Kalagin I. V., Kazarinov N. Yu., Kirilkin N. S., Mitrofanov S. V.,
Osipov N. F., Semin V. A.
Beam Transport Lines for Multipurpose Applied Science at DC-140 Cyclotron
(rus, 630 Kb) |
Agapov N. N., Bulakh A. P., Emelyanov A. E., Konstantinov A. V., Kunyaev M. S., Mitrofanova Iu. A., Smirnov A. E., Shvidkiy D. S.
The Operation Results of the VBLHEP Cryogenic Complex: The Booster–Nuclotron Session Run
(rus, 278 Kb) |
Morsin A. A., Vinnik D. S., Belikov O. V., Singatulin Sh. R., Dovzhenko B. A., Krylov A. A., Dmitriev M. S.
Power Supplies for the Correction Electromagnets of the Injection Complex of the SRF «SKIF»
(rus, 378 Kb) |
Osina Yu. K., Andreeva Z. A., Galchuck A. V., Stogov Yu. I.
Calculation of the Central Region of the Multicharged Ion Cyclotron
(rus, 395 Kb) |
Osina Yu. K., Ananyeva O. V., Galchuck A. V., Gorbunov I. V., Grigorenko S. V., Mudrolyubov V. G., Smirnov K. E., Stogov Yu. I.
Modeling of Magnetic Field and Dynamics of H-, H+ Ions for the Cyclotron C-250
(rus, 433 Kb) |
Paramonov V. V., Durkin A. P., Kolomiets A. A., Kurilik A. S., Ovchinnikova L. Yu.
The Main Part of a Linear Accelerator for Proton Therapy
(rus, 211 Kb) |
Philippov A. V.
The Dipole Magnets Arrangement in the Collider of the NICA Complex
(rus, 619 Kb) |
Butenko A. V., Mikhaylov V. A., Tuzikov A. V., Philippov A. V., Khodzhibagiyan H. G.
Regarding the «New Nuclotron» Magnetic-Optical Structure Choice
(rus, 369 Kb) |
Rastigeev S. A., Aktershev Yu. S., Bedarev E. V., Belikov O. V., Berkaev D. E.,
Burenkov D. B., Denisov V. S., Fomin L. B., Gorchakov K. M., Karpov G. V., Kasaev A. S., Kirpotin A. N., Koop I. A., Krasnov A. A.,
Kupurzhanov A. V., Kurkin G. Ya., Lysenko A. P., Motygin S. V., Otboev A. V., Pavlenko A. V., Perevedentsev E. A., Prosvetov V. P., Rogovsky Yu. A.,
Semenov A. M., Senchenko A. I., Serdakov L. E., Shatunov Yu. M., Shwartz D. B., Timoshenko M. V., Yudin V. D., Zemlyansky I. M., Zharinov Yu. M.
Recent Progress on the VEPP-2000 Collider
(rus, 368 Kb) |
Reva V. B., Batrakov À. Ì., Bryzgunov M. I., Bubley A. V.,
Vakhrushev R. V., Gorchakov K. M., Gosteev V. K., Denisov A. P., Kondaurov M. N., Konstantinov V. M., Korchagin V. Ya., Kremnev N. S.,
Panasyuk V. M., Parkhomchuk V. V., Pospolita S. P., Putmakov A. A., Shtro K. S.
Testing of Magnetic Elements of the Electron Cooling System for the NICA Collider
(rus, 534 Kb) |
Samofalova Ya. A., Ismagilov M. F.
Evaluation of the Possibilities of Determining Au, U, Nd, Gd, W Elements on Electron Linear Accelerator LUE-8
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Shandov M. M., Gorbachev E. V., Korobitsina M. Yu., Kostromin S. A., Lebedev V. A., Nikolaichuk I. Yu., Sedykh G. S.,
Smirnov V. L., Tuzikov A. V., Tsyplakov E. D.
Investigation of the Magnetic Structure Characteristics of the NICA Booster in the Commissioning Runs with the Beam in 2020–2022
(rus, 876 Kb) |
Shevchenko O. A., Vinokurov N. A., Getmanov Ya. V.
Design and Results of Magnetic Field Calculations for Variable-Period Helical Undulator
(rus, 227 Kb) |
Shevchenko O. A., Vinokurov N. A., Getmanov Ya. V., Gorbachev Ya. I., Kubarev V. V., Medvedev L. E., Scheglov M. A.,
Serednyakov S. S., Tcheskidov V. G., Tararyshkin S. V., Batrakov A. M., Ilyin I. V., Shtro K. S.
Commissioning of the First FEL with Variable-Period Undulator
(rus, 198 Kb) |
Gorbachev Ya. I., Shevchenko O. A., Vinokurov N. A., Getmanov Ya. V.
Magnetization Measurement and Sorting of Permanent Magnets for the Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser Variable-Period Undulator
(rus, 207 Kb) |
Shkaruba V. A., Bragin A. V., Volkov A. A., Erokhin A. I., Zorin A. V., Kazantsev F. P., Kanonik P. V.,
Mezentsev N. A., Safronov A. N., Sedov A. A., Tarasenko O. A., Khrushchev S. V., Tsukanov V. M.
Superconducting Wigglers and Undulators for Synchrotron Radiation Generation at the «SKIF» Storage Ring
(rus, 260 Kb) |
Golubev I. I., Kozlov A. P., Lepkin M. P., Repkin I. N., Sidorov A. I., Shvetsov V. S.
High-Voltage Collet Insertion of Magnetic Kicker for Ion Beam Extraction from the Nuclotron of the NICA Accelerator Complex
(rus, 127 Kb) |
Kozlov A. P., Lepkin M. P., Repkin I. N., Sidorov A. I., Tuzikov A. V., Shvetsov V. S.
Impact Magnetic Kicker for Extraction of the Ion Beam from the Nuclotron of the NICA Accelerator Complex
(rus, 206 Kb) |
Smirnov K. E., Akimova A. A., Ananyeva O. V., Gavrish Yu. N., Galchuck A. V., Kirtsev D. V.,
Mudrolyubov V. G., Osina Yu. K., Stogov Yu. I.
Design Features of the Cyclotron C-250
(rus, 451 Kb) |
Bikchurina M. I., Bykov T. A., Verkhovod G. D., Ibrahim I. I., Kasatov D. A.,
Kasatova A. I., Kolesnikov Ia. A., Konovalova V. D., Koshkarev A. M., Kuznetsov A. S., Ostreinov G. M., Porosev V. V.,
Savinov S. S., Sokolova E. A., Sorokin I. N., Sycheva T. V., Shchudlo I. M., Taskaev S. Yu.
Vacuum Insulated Tandem Accelerator for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy and Other Applications
(rus, 179 Kb) |
Alfeev A. V., Guryleva I. L., Emelianenko V. N., Mikhaylov V. A., Tsvetkova Yu. A.
The Lattice Magnets Geodetic Control for the JINR LHEP Acñelerator Complex
(rus, 223 Kb) |
Usanova M. V., Akimova A. A., Gavrish Yu. N, Galchuk A. V., Grigorenko S. V.,
Grigoriev V. I., Klopenkov R. M., Kravchuk K. A., Kuzhlev A. N., Mudrolyubov V. G., Osina Yu. K., Smirnov K. E., Tsygankov S. S.,
Shmidbersky P. A.
Status of Project Realization of the Cyclotron System of Multicharged Ions
(rus, 1.243 Kb) |
Vinokurov N. A., Shevchenko O. A., Getmanov Ya. V.
Spontaneous Emission from Distributed Optical Klystron
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Vladimirov M. V., Polozov S. M., Rashchikov V. I.
An Approach for Describing the Filling of the Photocathode Semiconductor Layer with Metal Electrons
(rus, 307 Kb) |
Zhabitsky V. M.
Methods for Monitoring the Root-Mean-Square Bunch Length during Injection into the Booster Superconducting Synchrotron of the NICA Complex
(rus, 288 Kb) |
Zhabitsky V. M.
Some Touches to the Portrait of the Scientist
(rus, 167 Kb) |
Zolotov S. A., Bliznyuk U. A., Studenikin F. R., Borshchegovskaya P. Yu., Krusanov G. A.
A Combination of Aluminum Plates of Different Thickness to Increase the Homogeneity of Radiation Treatment by Accelerated Electrons
(rus, 228 Kb) |
up |
Hamdellou H.
Probing the Higgs-Gauge Couplings at Leptonic Colliders
Abstracts (eng, 45 Kb) |
Alsultan Th. Y. T., Majekodunmi J. T., Kumar R., Boon Tong Goh, Bhuyan M.
Study of Rotational Effect on Even–Even 254,256Rf Isotopes of α-Particle Radioactivity Using Various Semi-Empirical Formulae
Abstracts (eng, 51 Kb) |
Chikhachev A. S.
Dynamics of States with Half-Integer Orbital Momentum in Own Field
(rus, 145 Kb) |
Ceballos C., Kolozhvari A. A., Dolbilov A. G., Semenov R. N., Tsapulina E. A., Rodriguez A., Sheremetiev A. D., Murin Yu. A. for the MPD-ITS Collaboration
Construction Management Information System at JINR
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Isataev T., Skobelev N. K., Shneidman T. M., Penionzhkevich Yu. E., Buryan V., Mrazek J.
Investigation of Excited States of 46Ti Nuclei in Reactions with the 3He Beam at 29 MeV
(rus, 501 Kb) |
Kalinnikov V. A., Velicheva E. P., Rozhdestvensky A. M.
Measurement of the LYSO:Ce and LYSO:Ce,Ca Scintillator Response
for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the COMET Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Monkhoev R. D. for the (TAIGA Collaboration)
Stintillation Array Tunka-Grande: Status, Results and Plans
(rus, 1.104 Kb) |
Mokrousov M. I., Mitrofanov I. G., Anikin A. A., Golovin D. V., Kozyrev A.S ., Litvak M. L., Nikiforov S. Y., Sanin A. B., Timoshenko G. N., Shvetsov V. N., Pavlik E. E.
Laboratory Development of a Space Experiment on Gamma Spectrometry of Planetary Substance with a High-Purity Germanium Detector Using Tagged Charged Particles Method
(rus, 2.259 Kb) |
Vukolov A. V., Potylitsyn A. P., Shevelev M. V., Uglov S. R.
Electron Energy Measurement Using an Optical Transition Radiation
(rus, 1.048 Kb) |
Krupko S. A., Abakumov A. M., Belogurov S. G., Bezbakh A. A., Golovkov M. S., Gorshkov A. V., Gorshkov V. A.,
Rymzhanova S. A., Slepnev R. S., Fomichev A. S.
Diagnostics of the Secondary Beam at the ACCULINNA-2 Fragment Separator
(rus, 2.889 Kb) |
Dorokhov V. L., Meshkov O. I., Stirin A. I., Smygacheva A. S.
Improvement of an Interferometric Method for Measuring the Transverse Dimensions of a Particle Beam in Cyclic Accelerators
(rus, 902 Kb) |
Bogdanovich B. Yu., Buyanov G. O., Nesterovich A. V., Pomazan Yu. V.
System for the Generation of Bremsstrahlung by Electrostatic Lenses
(rus, 121 Kb) |
Britvich G. I., Kostin M. Yu., Pitalev V. I., Poluektov I. V., Sandomirsky Yu. E., Chesnokov M. Yu., Chesnokov Yu. A., Yanovich A. A.
Formation of a High-Energy Particle Beam Using a System of Two Focusing Crystal Devices
(rus, 1.739 Kb) |
Lobachev V. V., Dmitriev A. Yu., Borzakov S. B., Smirnov A. A., Zhironkin I. S., Golubkov E. A., Shvetsov V. N.
Pneumatic Transport System REGATA-2 for Automation of Activation Analysis at the IREN Facility, FLNP JINR
(rus, 1.957 Kb) |
Dubna, Russia, October 17-22, 2022
Ananikian N., Papoyan Vl. V.
Quantum Magnetic Properties, Entanglement for Antiferromagnetic Spin 1 and 3/2 Cluster Models
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Antonov N. V., Kakin P. I., Reiter M. A.
Effect of Random Environment on Kinetic Roughening: Kardar–Parisi–Zhang Model with a Static Noise Coupled to the Navier–Stokes Equation
Abstracts (eng, 44 Kb) |
Hnatič M., Kecer M., Lučivjanský T.
Anomalous Kinetics of a Multi-Species Reaction-Diffusion System: Effect of Random Velocity Fluctuations
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Gosteva L. A., Shchekin A. K.
Fundamental Measure Density Functional Theory for Stable Droplets and Bubbles on Lyophilic and Lyophobic Nucleation Cores
(rus, 314Kb) |
Gurskaya A. V., Dolgopolov M. V., Elisov M. V., Radenko V. V., Radzhapov S. A.
Combined Scaling of Nanochips-Generators for Betavoltaics
(rus, 688 Kb) |
Gurskaya A. V., Dolgopolov M. V., Elisov M. V., Chepurnov V. I.
Radiation Defects Formation in Beta Converters on Silicon Carbide
(rus, 292 Kb) |
Dmitriev A. A., Rybin M. V.
Eigenmodes and Excitation Geometries of an Optical Dimer
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Ipatov N. N., Gavrilov S. S.
On the Spontaneous Breakdown of the Spin Symmetry in a Nonequilibrium Condensate of Polaritons
(rus, 102 Kb) |
Kondratyev V. N., Osipov V. A.
Electric Current between Superparamagnets as Landau Level Dynamics
(rus, 104 Kb) |
Kotikov A. V.
Short Review of Interaction Effects in Graphene
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Kulikov K. V., Lobanovskaya S. V., Shukrinov Yu. M.
Locking Phenomenon in System of Nanomagnet Coupled to Josephson Junction
(rus, 224 Kb) |
Marachevsky V. N., Sidelnikov A. A.
Gauge-Invariant Derivation of the Casimir–Lifshitz Pressure
(rus, 103 Kb) |
Monozon B. S., Fedorova T. A., Schmelcher P.
Intersubband Electronic Oscillations in an Armchair Graphene Nanoribbon in the Presence of Bichromatic Light Waves
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Pis'mak Yu. M., Shakhova O. Yu.
Majorana Fermion as a Real Spinor Field
(rus, 97 Kb) |
Ryzhov V. N., Gaiduk E. A., Fomin Yu. D., Tsiok E. N.
Self-Organization in Two-Dimensional Systems — Role of Translational and Orientational Order Parameters
(rus, 115 Kb) |
Savitskaya N. E., Fedorova T. A.
Phase Transitions in the Opinion Dynamics Model for a Multi-Agent System with Stochastic Activation of Links
(rus, 186 Kb) |
Silenko A. J.
Foldy—Wouthuysen Transformation and Structured States of a Graphene Electron in External Fields and Free (2+1)-Space
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Chumakova L. S., Bakulina A. V., Kulkova S. E.
Atomic and Electronic Structure of the Al2O3 / Ti5 Si3 Interface
(rus, 1.105 Kb) |
Yukalov V. I., Yukalova E. P.
Regulating Spin Dynamics in Magnetic Nanomaterials
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Dubna, Russia, October 24-28, 2022
Kornilova A. S., Sidorov S. V., Lanskoy D. E., Tretyakova T. Yu.
Shift of the Proton Drip Line by Λ Hyperons
Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb) |
Maximum Yukawa Couplings for WIMP Majorana Dark Matter in Scotogenic Model
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Parnova I. M., Parkhomenko A. Ya.
Theoretical Analysis of Rare Decay B+ → π+ τ+ τ-
Abstracts (eng, 45 Kb) |
Nedelko S. N., Nikolskii A. V.
Photons as Probes of Deconfinement in Quark–Gluon Plasma
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Bashashin M., Zemlyanaya E., Rahmonov I.
Parallel Simulation of the Magnetic Moment Reversal within the ϕ0-Josephson Junction Model
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Rahmonov I. R., Rahmonova A. R., Shukrinov Yu. M.
Magnetization Reversal by Pulse of Magnetic Field in SQUID with Single ϕ0 Junction
Abstracts (eng, 41 Kb) |
Tishevsky A. V., Alekseev I. G., Volkov I. S., Gurchin Yu. V., Isupov A. Yu., Kulevoy T. V., Ladygin V. P., Polozov P. A., Reznikov S. G., Svirida D. N., Terekhin A. A., Khrenov A. N.
Study of the Scintillation Detector Prototype for the Upgraded Polarimeter at the Internal Target Station at the Nuclotron
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Didenko A. R. for the ATLAS Collaboration
Application of Machine Learning for the Analysis of Higgs Boson Production in Association with Single Top Quark
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Boyko I., Huseynov N., Koval O., Tropina A., Yeletskikh I.
Study of the Higgs Boson Production with a Single Top Quark in the ATLAS Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Stepanova A. V., Kolupaeva L. D.
Joint Fit of Long-Baseline Accelerator Neutrino Experiments in GNA Software
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Rusov D. I., Goncharov P. V., Zhemchugov A. S., Ososkov G. A.
Deep Tracking for the SPD Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Gorodnov I. S., Dolzhikov A. S.
Dilution Refrigerator for Hydro-M⦰ller Polarimeter @ MESA P2 Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 43 Kb) |
Suslov I. A., Nemchenok I. B., Bystryakova A. D.
Research and Development of Tellurium-Loaded Liquid Scintillator
Abstracts (eng, 106 Kb) |
Volkov I. S., Ladygin V. P., Skhomenko Ya. T., Gurchin Yu. V., Isupov A. Yu.,
Janek M., Karachuk J.-T., Khrenov A. N., Kurilkin P. K., Livanov A. N., Piyadin S. M., Reznikov S. G., Terekhin A. A., Tishevsky A. V.,
Averyanov A. V., Chernykh E. V., Enache D., Krivenkov D. O., Vnukov I. E.
Analyzing Power of Quasi-Elastic Proton–Proton Scattering at the Beam Energy of 550 MeV/Nucleon
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Kazakova K., Soldatov E., Pyatiizbyantseva D., Savelyev K.
Likelihood-Based Approach to the Estimation of the Background Induced by the Misidentification of a Jet as a Photon at pp Collider Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Alishina K. A., Stepanenko Yu. Yu.
TOF700 to ZDC Track Matching on the Ar + A → X Data at the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Miloi M. M. for the DsTau Collaboration
Preliminary Results of the Primary Proton Interactions in the NA65 (DsTau) Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Mamaev M. V. for the BM@N Collaboration
Performance towards Spectator Symmetry Plane Estimation Using Forward Hadron Calorimeter in the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Ayala-Torres M. A., Espinoza Beltrán L. G., Hernández-Cruz L. A., Montaño L. M., Moreno-Barbosa E., Zepeda Fernández C. H.
Trigger Efficiencies of a Proposed Beam Monitoring Detector (BeBe) for p+p Collisions at NICA Energies
Abstracts (eng, 44 Kb) |
Dima M.-T., Dima M., Mihailescu M.
Simulation of Helicity Based Background Reduction at NA-62
Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb) |
Gertsenberger K. V., Klimai P. A., Zelenyi M. E.
Auxiliary Services for the Condition Database of the BM@N Experiment at NICA
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Parfenov P., Taranenko A.
Scaling Properties of Anisotropic Flow at Nuclotron—NICA Energies
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Filonchik P. G., Zhabitsky M. V.
Fast Way to Determine pp-Collision Time at the SPD Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Dmitrieva U. A., Pshenichnov I. A.
Production of Various Elements in Ultraperipheral 208Pb—208Pb Collisions at the LHC
Abstracts (eng, 40 Kb) |
Afanasiev S. V., Baskov V. A., Dryablov D. K., Kutinova O. V., Malakhov A. I., Milnov G. D., Sukhov E. V., Ustinov D. V., Ustinov V. V.
Upgrade of the SCAN-3 Spectrometer at Nuclotron
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Harutyunyan V., Sahakyan A., Arzumanyan V., Grigoryan N., Martirosyan A.
MeV Energy Electron and Proton Irradiation Effects in Semiconductor Materials for Space Applications
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Bautin V. V., Salamatin K. M., Enik T. L., Minko O. N., Kambar I.
Online Gas Gain Monitoring System
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Grigorieva A. A., Bulavskaya A. A., Bushmina E. A., Vorobyov A. P., Vasilieva A. G., Miloichikova I. A., Stuchebrov S. G.
Application of the Multiangle Scanning for Measuring Carbon Ion Beam Profiles
(rus, 1.096 Kb) |
Berestov K., Bogomolov S., Kuzmenkov K.
Investigation of Characteristics of 2.45 GHz ECR Ion Source
(rus,3.314 Kb) |
Nekhoroshkov P.
Neutron Activation Analysis for Studies of Elemental Variability in the Wild and Farmed Molluscs
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Kozlov A., Suslova E., Maksimov S., Isaikina O., Maslakov K., Shashurin D., Savilov S., Chelkov G.
The Preparation of Nanocomposite with a Core–Shell Structure Made
of Carbon Matrices and Lanthanum Nanoparticles
(rus, 3.417 Kb) |
Badalyan A., Harutyunyan V., Aleksanyan E., Grigoryan N., Arestakyan A., Arzumanyan V., Manukyan A., Baghramyan V., Sargsyan A., Culicov O.
Investigation of the Radiation Resistance and Optical Properties of New Composite Thermal Barrier Coatings
Abstracts (eng, 46 Kb) |
Kiselyova S. S., Petrov V. G.
Sorption of Zirconium on Quartz
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Ilina A. V., Pelevanyuk I. S.
System for Planning and Logging Excursions at JINR
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Chebotov A. I., Gertsenberger K. V., Moshkin A. A., Slepov I. P.
Common Deployment Complex for the Information Systems of the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Priakhina D. I., Korenkov V. V., Trofimov V. V., Gertsenberger K. V.
Simulation Results of BM@N Computing Infrastructure
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Pelevanyuk I. S., Campis D.
Computing Infrastructures
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Borisov M. S., Ososkov G. A.
Deep Learning Applications for Traffic Sign Detection and Classification
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Dima M., Dima M.-T., Mihailescu M.
Use Case Application of SU2 Software Package
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Abduvaliev A. A., Khushvaktov J. H., Tran T. N.
Simulation of the Interaction of Protons with Devices
for Forming Spread-Out Bragg Peak Using Monte Carlo Method
(rus, 1.659 Kb) |
up |
Alhaidari A. D.
Structural Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: Particles with Structure
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Shilin V. I., Pervushin V. N.
Schwinger–Dyson Equation for Quarks in a QCD Inspired Model
Abstracts (eng, 36 Kb) |
Hamada Sh., Ibraheem A. A.
Astrophysical S-Factor Analysis for 14N(p,γ) 15O Radiative Capture Reaction Based on p+14N Elastic Scattering at Low Energies
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Stankevich K., Studenikin A.
Quantum Decoherence of Neutrino Mass States
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Kilic A. I.
The Investigation of the 8Li(α,n) 11B Cross Section at Low Energy by a Distorted Wave Born Approximation Model
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Fisli M.
Lepton Pair Production in the Noncommutative Standard Model with Polarized e+e− Beams
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Verma S., Kumar A.
On the Deviation in Cobimaximal Neutrino Mixing Emanating from Charged Lepton Sector
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Catak E.
A Remark on the q-Hypergeometric Integral Bailey Pair and the Solution to the Star-Triangle Equation
Abstracts (eng, 26 Kb) |
Majekodunmi J. T., Jain N., Anwar K., Abdullah N., Kumar R., Bhuyan M.
Decay Properties of 253,255Rf Using the Relativistic Mean-Field Framework within the Preformed Cluster-Decay Model
Abstracts (eng, 42 Kb) |
Pupyshev V. V.
Study of Two-Dimensional Low-Energy Scattering by Variable Phase Approach
(rus, 132 Kb) |
Maslov V. M.
Anisotropy of Prompt Fission Neutron Spectra of 239Pu(n,F) and 235 U(n,F)
(rus, 1.078 Kb) |
Zhabitsky V. M.
Longitudinal Tomography of Ion Bunches in the JINR Superconducting Booster Synchrotron
(rus, 1.029 Kb) |
Plotnikov V. A., Kovachev L. D., Zinchenko A. I.
Detector Efficiency in the BM@N Experiment in an Argon Run with a Beam Energy of 3.2A GeV at the Nuclotron
(rus, 2.600 Kb) |
Lenivenko V., Palichik V., Patsyuk M.
Reconstruction of Simulated and Experimental Data in Coordinate Detector Systems of the SRC Experimental Setup at BM@N
(rus, 578 Kb) |
Gapienko I. V., Belov D. V., Fedorov A. N., Gurevich G. M., Plis Yu. A., Usov Yu. A.
Research and Development of the Polarized Deuteron Source for the Electrostatic Accelerator
Abstracts (eng, 39 Kb) |
Selyunin A. S., Anfimov N. V., Rybnikov A. V., Fedoseev D. V., Sharov V. I.
Study of the Temperature Stability of the High-Voltage DAC AD5535 for Silicon Photomultipliers Biasing
Abstracts (eng, 798 Kb) |
Nikolaichuk I. Yu., Borisov V. V., Nikiforov D. N., Khramov D. I.
First Magnetic Axis Measurements of Quadrupole Magnets for the NICA Collider
(eng, 698 Kb) |
Abdelmoneim S. A., Nashaat M., Shukrinov Yu. M.
New Region of Nonlinearity in the IV Curve of SFS ϕ0 JJ under Radiation
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Zheltonozhskaya M. V., Remizov P. D., Chernyaev A. P., Yatsenko V. N., Burtsev S. L.
Study of the Medical Isotope177Lu Production in Photonuclear Reactions on Enriched 178Hf Targets
(rus, 230 Kb) |
Enyagina I. M., Polyakov A. N., Kartashov S. I., Ushakov V. L., Milyaev E. V., Baranova A. I.
Comparative Analysis of Scenarios of Pulse Sequences of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Brain
(rus, 1.194 Kb) |
XXVI International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2022)
Dubna, Russia, October 24–28, 2022
Bubenchikov M. A., Kaparulin D. S., Nosyrev O. D.
Light-Like Paths of Weakly Relativistic Anyon in Magnetic Field
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Karkaryan E. K.
Muons Production in Elastic Proton–Proton Scattering at the LHC
(rus, 88 Kb) |
Kumar S., Musaev E.
On 10-Dimensional Exceptional Drinfel'd Algebras
Abstracts (eng, 27 Kb) |
Voznaya U., Arbuzov A.
Parton Distribution Function of Positron in Electron in QED
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Avramov V., Rashkov R., Vetsov T.
An Isomonodromic Approach to Scalar Fields on Sasaki–Einstein Spaces Y p,q
Abstracts (eng, 29 Kb) |
Krugan G., Matasov A.
Spin Nature of the Energy Gap in Superconductors of the Second Kind
Abstracts (eng, 26 Kb) |
Punetha G., Bandhopadhyay A., Bisht Sh.
SU(2) Dual QCD Quark–Hadron Phase Transition in the Presence of Nonvanishing Chemical Potential
Abstracts (eng, 35 Kb) |
Koval E. A.
Field-Free Molecular Alignment by the Optimized Two-Color Laser Fields
Abstracts (eng, 26 Kb) |
Mamedov Sh., Akbarova N., Allahverdiyeva M.
The Deuteron Charge Radius RC in the Framework of the Hard-Wall AdS/QCD Model
Abstracts (eng, 38 Kb) |
Syurakshin A.
Quantum Interference Effects on Charge Transport in Molecular Electronic Junctions
Abstracts (eng, 30 Kb) |
Friesen A. V., Goderidze D., Kalinovsky Yu. L.
Application of Adaptive and Non-Adaptive Integration Methods to the Two-Photon Decay of a Neutral Pion at Finite Temperature
Abstracts (eng, 34 Kb) |
Lanskoy D. E., Mikheev S. A., Nasakin A. I., Tretyakova T. Yu.
Skyrme-Like Λ Hyperonic Interactions and Neutron Stars Properties
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Gertsenberger S.
Simulation of the Straw Detector in the NA64 Experiment for the Muon Run
Abstracts (eng, 28 Kb) |
Prokhorova D., Andronov E.
String Fusion Mechanism and Studies of Correlations
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Naik L. J., Sreekanth V.
Second Order Viscous Hydrodynamics within an Effective Kinetic Theory and Thermal Particles from QGP
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Shulha S. G., Budkouski D. V.
Simulation of Measurement of Quark, Gluon and Unidentified Jet Fractions in Jet Sample at the LHC
(rus, 164 Kb) |
Eremkina I., Rogov V., Sergeev S., Yurevich V.
Development of the SiPM Power Supply Unit
Abstracts (eng, 33 Kb) |
Salamatin K.
Data Acquisition System of the NA64 Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Smolyanin T., Egorov D., Nagdasev R., Shutov V.
Monitoring and Control System for the SRC Experiment at BM@N
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Boytsov A. Yu., Butenko E. A., Donets E. E., Donets D. E., Malyshev N. A., Ponkin D. O., Ramzdorf A. Yu., Rassadov D. N., Shutov V. B.
Cathode Assembly Electronics Development for Electron String Ion Sources (ESIS)
Abstracts (eng, 31 Kb) |
Alhassan S., Beliavskii S. V., Nesterov V. N.
Core-Optimization of RITM-200 Reactor Fuel Considering Thorium Fuel Cycle
Abstracts (eng, 32 Kb) |
Chebotov A., Degtyarev A., Gertsenberger K., Klimai P.
REST API and Web Interface for the Event Metadata System of the BM@N Experiment
Abstracts (eng, 37 Kb) |
Bushmina E., Bulavskaya A., Grigorieva A., Miloichikova I., Tatarchenko M., Stuchebrov S.
The Study of the Possibility of the Electron Beam Depth Dose Distribution Formation by the 3D-Printed Plastic Bolus
(rus, 101 Kb) |
Subject index
Author index
A. P. Isaev
Editorial board:
A. V. Bednyakov (Scientific Editor),
D. Blaschke,
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M. G. Itkis (Deputy Editors-In-Chief),
V. V. Ivanov,
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